Chacmultun is an ancient Maya site in Mexico’s Yucatan Province that dates to the late Preclassic period.
“Chacmultun” means “mounds of red stone” in the Maya language, the site got this name from the distinct red color of the buildings there.
It is located 126 km from Mérida.
Chacmultun’s most distinguishing feature is the red stone from which its buildings are made. This color was the result of microorganisms living in the stone which turned red when they came into contact with air and water.
The site
The site was discovered in the 19th century by the Austrian explorer Teobert Maler, and was excavated in detail during the 1970s.
The city center covers one square kilometer. There are four main districts of the city: Chacmultun, Cabalpak, Xetpol and the Central district. These groups of buildings were built on hills or artificial terraces to make them seem more imposing. It is thought that the city had trade links with many other contemporary Maya sites in the area, like Edzna, Oxkintok, Uxmal and Kabah.
Some buildings contain preserved Maya murals, which are quite rare.
The city reached its peak during the Late Classic period, during the 10th century. The buildings at Chacmultun are designed in the Puuc architectural style, with elaborate friezes decorating the buildings. The site was continuously occupied until the 15th century.
How to get there?
The best way to get to Chacmultun is from Merida.
From Merida by bus to Akil $3-$5 (1:20 hour), each 30 min.
And then in taxi $3-$$ (0:17 min).
Taxi from Merida to Chacmultun $21-$26.
Tourist Assistance + Emergency Numbers
You can dial 078 from any phone, where you can find free information about tourist attractions, airports, travel agencies, car rental companies, embassies and consulates, fairs and exhibitions, hotels, hospitals, financial services, migratory and other issues.
Or dial the toll-free (in Mexico) number 01-800-006-8839.
You can also request information to the email
General Information: 040 (not free)
National Emergency Service: 911
Radio Patrols: 066
Police (Emergency): 060
Civil Protection: +52(55)5683-2222
Anonymous Complaint: 089
Setravi (Transport Mobility): +52(55)5209-9913
Road Emergency: 074
Cruz Roja: 065 o +52(55)5557-5757
Firefighters: 068 o +52(55)5768-3700
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