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Flower Wars

The Flower Wars were ritual conflicts that occurred periodically between the Aztec Triple Alliance, consisting of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan, and the neighboring city-states of Tlaxcala, Huejotzingo, and Cholula.

The Aztec Flower Wars were different from ordinary battles. Rather than engaging in territorial conquests, participants captured warriors for sacrificial ceremonies, reflecting a distinct religious and cultural aspect.

Some sources indicate that the battles were to be repeated every 20 days.

The city-states fought in pairs, taking turns. The battles took place in the Mexico-Puebla Valley. The opponents did not seek to conquer territory. In emergency cases, the battle stopped and they could help each other.

What ended the Flower Wars?

During the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, Tlaxcala (an old enemy of the Aztecs) formed an alliance with the Spanish. This strategic alliance was aimed at overthrowing the long-standing Flower War adversaries.

The Aztec Empire fell, and the Flowery Wars ended.

What were the reasons for the Flower Wars?

The origins of the Flower Wars are linked to the difficult times faced by the Aztecs between 1450 and 1454. Crop failures and severe drought plagued the highlands, leading to widespread famine and deaths.

The priests proposed to appease the gods with regular sacrifices. An agreement was concluded between the city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, Tlaxcala, Cholula, and Huejotzingo to participate in the Flower Wars.

The main purpose was to captive humans for sacrificial rituals, a practice that was believed to appease the angry gods and restore prosperity, but scholarly debate persists regarding the veracity of this narrative.

Some scholars challenge the notion that the Flower Wars originated solely as a response to famine, proposing alternative theories to unravel the complexities of this intriguing aspect of Aztec culture and warfare.

How are the Aztec Flower Wars different?

The Flower Wars differed from typical wars in a number of key aspects. The opposing armies gathered at predetermined locations on set dates. These locales, known as “cuauhtlalli” or “yaotlalli,” held sacred significance.

Initiating the Flower Wars involved a distinctive ceremony. Combatants signaled the commencement by igniting a substantial pyre of paper and incense between the assembled armies.

Notably, the tactics employed in the Flower Wars diverged from conventional warfare.

Typical Aztec battles relied on atlatl darts and ranged weapons, but the Flower Wars omitted such tactics. Instead, warriors wielded close-range weapons, showcasing individual skill and requiring proximity to the enemy.

Flower Wars featured fewer soldiers than conventional Aztec conflicts.

More warriors from the nobility participated in the Flower Wars. This allowed year-round engagement, unlike larger wars of conquest limited to late autumn through early spring due to agricultural demands.

The Flower Wars were supported by an equal number of soldiers on each side, reflecting the desire to demonstrate military prowess. While long-lasting Flower Wars tend to be less deadly than typical wars, they can become lethal over time.

In a protracted conflict between the Aztecs and the Chalcas, initial battles saw few fatalities. However, as time elapsed, captured commoners faced execution, gradually extending to noble captives.

This heightened the costs for both sides involved.

The Aztecs considered death in the Flower Wars to be noble. They believed that those who perished in a Flower War would be transported to heaven, the realm of Huitzilopochtli, the supreme god of sun, fire, and war.

What was the purpose of the Aztec Flower Wars?

There appear to be a variety of reasons that the Aztecs engaged in flower wars. Historians have thought that flower wars were fought for purposes including combat training and capturing humans for religious sacrifice.

Historians note evidence of the sacrifice motive: one of Cortez’s captains, Andres de Tapia, once asked Moctezuma II why the stronger Aztec Empire had not yet conquered the nearby state of Tlaxcala outright.

The emperor responded by saying that although they could have if they had wanted to, the Aztecs had not done so because war with Tlaxcala was a convenient way of gathering sacrifices and training their own soldiers.

However, some scholars question whether the main purpose of the Flower War was to gain sacrifices. Tlaxcalan historian Muñoz Camargo noted that the Aztecs would often besiege Tlaxcalan towns and cut off trade, which was uncharacteristic of a typical flower war.

For this reason, some scholars believe that the Aztecs did want to conquer the Tlaxcalans, but that they simply could not for some reason.

Despite many scholars’ doubts about the sacrifice motive of the Flower War, some scholars assert that Moctezuma II explanations of the Flower War were logical, given that the Aztecs placed heavy importance on both sacrifice and martial ability.

Fighting in warfare was a mandatory part of training for warriors of the noble class, and it was heavily encouraged for warriors of the lower classes as well. Thus, the reasons stated by Montezuma may have been genuine and not simply an excuse for military failure.

However, some scholars have suggested that the Flower War served purposes beyond gaining sacrifices and combat training.

For example, Hassig states that for the Aztecs, “flower wars were an efficient means of continuing a conflict that was too costly to conclude immediately.” As such, the purpose of these wars was to occupy and wear down the enemy’s fighting force.

By requiring an equal number of soldiers on each side, the Aztecs made the battle seem balanced at first.

However, the side with fewer overall troops suffered more because the losses comprised a greater percentage of their total forces. Through this, the Aztecs used the flower wars to weaken their opponents.

Furthermore, since fewer soldiers took part in the Flower War as compared to a traditional war, the practice of the Flower War allowed the Aztecs to hold a potential threat at bay while focusing the bulk of their forces elsewhere.

Another purpose of the Flower War, according to Hassig, was to show the superiority of Aztec troops. This was another reason that equal numbers of troops were used.

If the Aztecs tried to use numerical superiority, their enemy would resort to the kind of defensive tactics that the Aztecs had trouble fighting against. With equal numbers, the enemy would fight the Aztecs on the open field, where individual soldiers had a greater chance of showing off their martial ability.

Finally, according to Hassig, propaganda was perhaps the most significant purpose of flower wars.

By engaging their opponents in the Flower War, the Aztecs were able to continuously showcase their force, which warned other city-states about their power. If the Aztecs made enough of a show of force, it could encourage the allies of the Aztecs’ enemies to change their allegiance.

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