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Another calpulli remains found in Mexico City

Mexico City, with its rich tapestry of history and culture, continues to surprise.

What sets Mexico City apart is its unique blend of the contemporary and the ancient. Mexico City is a place where historical treasures coexist with the vibrant energy of a modern metropolis.

The city’s continued commitment to preserving its heritage through diligent archaeological work enriches our understanding of the Aztec civilization and its lasting impact.

From pottery fragments to intricate architectural structures, every discovery made beneath Mexico City’s surface contributes to a growing mosaic of knowledge about its pre-Hispanic past.

Another “calpulli” remains found in Mexico City

Another pre-Hispanic find in Mexico City. Commercial center renovations uncovered remains that surprised archaeologists. Nearly 500 years after its fall, Tenochtitlán continues to be rediscovered, meter by meter.

There are remains of the ceremonial center of “calpulli” in Cuescontitlán, found a few meters below the streets of Mexico City, just a few blocks south of the Zocalo, near the commercial center of Plaza Pino Suarez.

A “calpulli” was a kind of social and territorial unit in Aztec society.

These were like clans or neighborhoods and had both social and economic functions. Each “calpulli” was composed of a group of families who shared resources, responsibilities, and traditions.

This system was a fundamental aspect of Aztec society and contributed to their social structure. It was a way to organize and manage various aspects: agriculture, land ownership, and collective religious ceremonies.

The discovery happened during the renovation of the shopping center. As soon as the first evidence of a buried structure was discovered, archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History were called in.

The remarkable discoveries were made just meters away in the 1960s during the construction of the subway line. Then the remains of the main buildings of the ceremonial center of “calpulla” Cuescontitlan were excavated.

Then, among these remains was a small pyramid dedicated to Ehecatl. This is perhaps the most visited archaeological site in Mexico, as it can be seen between metro lines 1 and 2, and many residents and tourists pass by.

The recent finds are located only 35 meters from the Temple of Ehecatl.

The pottery fragments indicate that the buildings were in use between 1430 and 1521.

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